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A Tongue Input Device for Creating Conversations

Ronit Slyper, Jill Lehman, Jodi Forlizzi, and Jessica Hodgins

Carnegie Mellon University and Disney Research Pittsburgh

We build an input device which uses the mouth.

Paper Abstract
We present a new tongue input device, the tongue joystick, for use by an actor inside an articulated-head character costume. Using our device, the actor can maneuver through a dialogue tree, selecting clips of prerecorded audio to hold a conversation in the voice of the character. The device is constructed of silicone sewn with conductive thread, a unique method for creating rugged, soft, low-actuation force devices. This method has application for entertainment and assistive technology. We compare our device against other portable mouth input devices, showing it to be the fastest and most accurate in tasks mimicking our target application. Finally, we show early results of an actor inside an articulated-head costume using the tongue joystick to interact with a child.

Ronit Slyper and Jill Lehman and Jodi Forlizzi and Jessica Hodgins. A Tongue Input Device for Creating Conversations. In UIST '11: Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, October 2011. BiBTeX

paper 15M
movie 25M
Keynote '09 presentation 89M.
tongue joystick 3D model in Rhino Silicone is Sorta Clear 40 from; conductive thread can be bought at I had problems with the thread oxidizing over time due to the chemistry of the silicone; if you are building your own device, I would recommend looking at different silicones.